Vectors (Brief Recap)#

Prepared by: Hardit Saini, Emmanuel Airiofolo and Angadh Nanjangud

In this lecture we cover the following topics:

  1. Vector Operations

  2. Vector Operations: Cross Product and Related Formulas

  3. Time Derivative of a Vector

  4. References

  • A vector is a quantity with a direction and a magnitude.

  • \(\vec{\rm{r}}\), \(\underline{\rm{r}}\), \(\bf{r}\) are all possible notations for vector quantities.

  • We describe a vector by its components:
    \(\vec{\rm{r}}\) = \(\rm{r_x} \hat{\bf{i}}\) + \(\rm{r_y} \hat{\bf{j}}\) + \(\rm{r_z} \hat{\bf{k}}\) = (\(\rm{r_x}, \rm{r_y}, \rm{r_z}\))

    where \(\hat{\bf{i}}\), \(\hat{\bf{j}}\), and \(\hat{\bf{k}}\) are unit vectors aligned with a triad of orthogonal axes.

Figure 1

  • The magnitude is indicated by \(\|\bf{r}\|\) or simply by \(r\), and

(1)#\[r = \sqrt{r_x^2 + r_y^2 + r_z^2}\]

Vector Operations#

Multiplication of a Scalar with a Vector#

  • When a vector \(\bf{A}\) is multiplied by a scalar \(\rm{Q}\), the result is a new vector \(\rm{Q}\bf{A}\), which has the same direction as \(\bf{A}\) but a magnitude that is \(|\rm{Q}|\) times the magnitude of \(\bf{A}\).

(2)#\[\rm{Q} {\bf{A}} = \rm{Q} (A_x \hat{\bf{i}} + A_y \hat{\bf{j}} + A_z \hat{\bf{k}}) = (\rm{Q} A_x) \hat{\bf{i}} + (\rm{Q} A_y) \hat{\bf{j}} + (\rm{Q} A_z) \hat{\bf{k}}\]
  • The sum of vectors \(\bf{A}\) and \(\bf{B}\) is a vector \(\bf{C}\) such that:

(3)#\[\bf{C} = \bf{A} + \bf{B} = (\rm{A_x} + \rm{B_x}) \hat{\bf{i}} + (\rm{A_y} + \rm{B_y}) \hat{\bf{j}} + (\rm{A_z} + \rm{B_z}) \hat{\bf{k}}\]
  • Parallelogram Rule: The sum of two vectors can also be represented geometrically using the parallelogram rule: Place the vectors \(\bf{A}\) and \(\bf{B}\) tail to tail. Draw a parallelogram where \(\bf{A}\) and \(\bf{B}\) are adjacent sides. The interception of the two projected lines represents the point where \(\bf{A}\) is summed with \(\bf{B}\), \(\bf{A} + \bf{B}\).

Figure 2

Dot Product Rule#

  • The dot product (or scalar product) of two vectors \(\bf{A}\) and \(\bf{B}\) is defined as:

(4)#\[{\bf{A}} \cdot {\bf{B}} = A_x B_x + A_y B_y + A_z B_z\]
(5)#\[{\bf{A}} \cdot {\bf{B}} = {|\bf{A}|} {|\bf{B}|} \cos(\theta)\]
  • Where \(\theta\) is the angle between \(\bf{A}\) and \(\bf{B}\).

If one of the vectors is a unit vector (say, \(\hat{\bf{B}}\)), the dot product gives the projection of \(\bf{A}\) onto \(\hat{\bf{B}}\):

(6)#\[{\bf{A}} \cdot {\bf{\hat{B}}} = {|\bf{A}|} \cos(\theta)\]
  • This is because \(|\hat{\bf{B}}|\) = 1.

Figure 3

Time Derivative of a Vector#

  • The time derivative of a vector \(\bf{A}\) represents how the vector changes with respect to time.

In an Inertial Reference Frame#

  • The time derivative of a vector \(\bf{r}\) in an inertial reference frame is given by:

(17)#\[\frac{d{\bf{r}}}{dt} = \frac{d}{dt}(x) {\hat{\bf{i}}} + \frac{d}{dt}(y) {\hat{\bf{j}}} + \frac{d}{dt}(z) {\hat{\bf{k}}}\]

In a Rotating Reference Frame with angular velocity \(\boldsymbol{\omega}\), the time derivative of the vector \(\bf{r}\) must account for the rotation:

(18)#\[\left( \frac{d{\bf{r}}}{dt} \right)_{\text{inertial}} = \left( \frac{d{\bf{r}}}{dt} \right)_{\text{rotating}} + (\boldsymbol{\omega} \times {\bf{r}})\]


\(\left( \frac{d{\bf{r}}}{dt} \right)_{\text{rotating}}\) is the time derivative in the rotating frame.

\(\left( \frac{d{\bf{r}}}{dt} \right)_{\text{inertial}}\) is the time derivative in the inertial frame.

\(\boldsymbol{\omega}\) is the angular velocity of the rotating frame.

\(\times\) denotes the cross product (see above for more information).

This can also be expressed as:

(19)#\[\left( \frac{d{\bf{r}}}{dt} \right)_{\text{rotating}} = \left( \frac{d{\bf{r}}}{dt} \right)_{\text{inertial}} - (\boldsymbol{\omega} \times {\bf{r}})\]


Admin (2019). Parallelepiped- Definition, Volume and Area Formula, Example. [online] BYJUS. Available at: [Accessed 2 Sep. 2024].

Cross (2024). Cross Product & Right Hand Rule | Formula, Applications & Example - Video | [online] Available at: [Accessed 2 Sep. 2024].