Problem Set 2#

Earth data $\( R^{Equator} = 6384 km \)\( \)\( R^{Pole} = 6353 km \)\( \)\( \mu = 3.986 \times 10^5 km^3s^{-2} \)$

Question 1#

A remote sensing satellite is in a polar orbit with its line of apsides on the equator. The perigee of the orbit is at altitude of \(620\) \(km\) and the eccentricity of the orbit is \(e = 0.04\). Calculate the semi-major axis of this orbit and show that the altitude at apogee is approximately \(1200\) \(km\).

Solution 1#

We are told that \(e\), the eccentricity of the orbit, is 0.04. And that the altitude at perigee, denoted by \(h_p\), is \(620\) \(km\). We are asked to determine \(a\) (semi-major axis of the orbit) and the altitude at perigee, which we shall denote as \(h_p\). For this purpose, we will also create the following symobls:

  • \(r_p\) is the satellite’s perigee;

  • \(r_a\) is the satellite’s apogee.

For an elliptic orbit, the satellite’s perigee point is given by $\( r_p = a(1-e) \tag{2.1} \)\( or \)\( a = \frac{r_p}{1-e} \tag{2.2} \)\(. By rewriting \)r_p\( as a sum of \)R^{Equator}\( and \)h_p\(, we can rewrite the above equation as \)\( a = \frac{R^{Equator} + h_p}{1-e}. \tag{2.3} \)\( Then, we substitute for the above to get that \)a = 7295.83\( \)km$.

It is easier and clearer to do the above work with a computer; in this module, we make use of the Python programming language.

# Your coded answers here (and create more Code cells if you wish to)
R_Equator = 6384
h_p = 620
e = 0.04
r_p = R_Equator + h_p
a = (r_p)/(1 - e)

The altitude at apogee, \(h_a\), is given by $\( h_a = r_a - R^{Equator} \tag{2.4} \)\( or \)\( h_a = a(1+e) - R^{Equator} \tag{2.5} \)\( which gives \)h_a = 1203.66$.

h_a = a*(1+e) - R_Equator

Question 2#

The satellite carries a camera with a field of view of \(26^o\). The camera has a CCD array of \(1000\) pixels. Compute the resolution per pixel of this camera at perigee and apogee.

Solution 2#

The resolution, which has units of \(m/ pixel\), is a function of a parameter called swath; a schematic to understand this is sketched out below.

Figure 1

In the above \(FoV\) is the field of view of the imaging system (i.e., CCD array), which is in radians. Form this, we can see that swath, \(s\), can be calucalted easily. For example, the swath from perigee, \(s_p\), $\( s_p = 2*h_p*\tan(FoV/2). \tag{2.6} \)\( You should be able to justify to yourselves why the above formula is correct based on fundamental trigonometry. Once \)s_p\( is known, we can calculate the resolution from perigee, \)r_p\(: \)\( r_p = \frac{s_p}{\textrm{number of pixels}} \tag{2.7} \)\( You can repeat this process for to determine \)r_a\(, (where the subscript \)a$ corresponds to apogee). It is easier and clearer to do the above work with a computer; in this module, we make use of the Python programming language. To aid our computations, Python has a mathz library from which we can import the tanandpi` functions for accurate calculations.

# Your coded answers here (and create more Code cells if you wish to)
from math import tan, pi
pixelCount = 1000
field_of_view_in_degrees = 26
field_of_view_in_radians = field_of_view_in_degrees*pi/180

swath_from_perigee = 2*h_p*tan(field_of_view_in_radians/2)
swath_from_apogee = 2*h_a*tan(field_of_view_in_radians/2)

resolution_from_perigee = swath_from_perigee/pixelCount
resolution_from_apogee = swath_from_apogee/pixelCount
("The resolutions from perigeed and apogee, respectively, in km/pixel are", resolution_from_perigee, resolution_from_apogee)
('The resolutions from perigeed and apogee, respectively, in km/pixel are',

Note that the handwritten solutions provide the solutions in the \(m/pixel\).

Question 3#

Find the altitude of the satellite as it passes over the poles. For the camera onboard the satellite, compute the image resolution over the poles.

Solution 3#

We know that the general relationship to compute the satellite’s position, \(r\), is $\( r = \frac{a(1-e^2)}{1+e\cos(\theta)}. \tag{2.8} \)\( \)\theta = 90^o\( at the poles, so \)\( r_{poles} = a(1-e^2). \tag{2.9} \)\( The height at the poles is then given by \)\( h_{poles} = p - r_{poles}. \tag{2.10} \)$

We can then compute the resolution at the poles using a procedure identical to that shown in Solution 2 for the perigee and apogee. This is illustrated in Python code below.

# Your coded answers here (and create more Code cells if you wish to)
r_poles = a*(1-e**2)
Radius_of_Earth_at_poles = 6353
h_poles = r_poles - Radius_of_Earth_at_poles

swath_from_poles = 2*h_poles*tan(field_of_view_in_radians/2)
resolution_from_poles = swath_from_poles/pixelCount

print("The altitude at the poles in km is ", h_poles)
print("The resolution from the poles in km/pixel is", resolution_from_poles)
The altitude at the poles in km is  931.1599999999999
The resolution from the poles in km/pixel is 0.4299504496969586

Question 4#

Calculate the velocity of this spacecraft at perigee, and the angular velocity. Neglecting the eccentricity of the orbit and taking the Earth as a sphere, how long will it take for the spacecraft to disappear over the horizon of an observer directly below the perigee point?

Solution 4#

Part a: Compute \(v_p\)#

We make us of the vis-viva equation as shown below, $\( \frac{1}{2}v_p^2 - \frac{\mu}{r_p} = -\frac{\mu}{2a}, \tag{2.11} \)\( where the subscript \)p\( indicates that the point of interest is the satellite's perigee. We can then solve for \)v_p\( as \)\( v_p = \sqrt{\frac{2\mu}{r_p} -\frac{\mu}{a}} \tag{2.12} \)\( which, upon substituting for the known terms, give us \)v_p = 7.69\( \)km/s$.

Part b: Compute \(\dot\theta\)#

Further, at perigee, we know that there is no radial component to velocity; so, considering the velcoity vector $\( {\bf v} = \dot r {\bf \hat e}_r + r \dot \theta{\bf \hat e}_\theta. \tag{2.13} \)\(, we can write the following scalar equations, \)\( \dot r = 0 \tag{2.14} \)\( and \)\( v_p = r \dot\theta. \tag{2.15} \)$

The angular velocity at perigee can then be computed by rewriting Equation \((2.15)\) as $\( \dot\theta = \frac{v_p}{r_p} \tag{2.16} \)\( which gives \)\dot\theta = 1.09 \times 10^{-3}\( \)rad/s$.

Part c: Computing the time for which an observer below perigee can see the satellite#

Note that if the eccenticity is ignored, then the satellite is on a circular orbit; this means that it has the same altitude at any orbit (or \(r=r_p\) at all points on the orbit). To determine the time of disappearance, we first need to know the half-angle at which the satellite is no longer visible to the observer on the surface of the Earth and below perigee; this is shown as \(\alpha\) in the schematic below.

Figure 1

\[ \alpha = \cos^{-1}\bigg(\frac{R_{Equator}}{r_p}\bigg) \]

Once \(\alpha\) is known, we can compute the duration of observation of the satellite by this oberver, \(t_{obsv}\), by $\( t_{obsv} = 2\frac{\alpha}{\dot\theta}. \tag{2.17} \)\( Can you explain to yourselves why we there is a doubling term (i.e. scaling factor of \)2\() in the RHS of Equation \)(2.17)$?

We present the computation with Python below’; sqrt helps in computing the square-root and acos helps in computing the inverse cosine value of a function (i.e. \(\cos^{-1}\)).

# Your coded answers here (and create more Code cells if you wish to)
from math import sqrt, acos
# Part a: Compute $v_p$
mu_Earth = 3.986 * 10**5
v_p = sqrt(2*mu_Earth /r_p - mu_Earth/a)
print("Velocity at perigee is ", v_p, "km/s")

# Part b: Compute $\dot\theta$
angular_velocity = v_p/r_p
print("Angular velocity at perigee is", angular_velocity, "rad/s")

# Part c: Computing the time for which an observer below perigee can see the satellite
alpha = acos(R_Equator/r_p)
t = 2 * alpha/angular_velocity
print("The satellite can be observed by the obersver for", t , "s")
Velocity at perigee is  7.693292560947274 km/s
Angular velocity at perigee is 0.001098414129204351 rad/s
The satellite can be observed by the obersver for 771.8957207955966 s